A Design System built for Designers AND Engineers
Save thousands of hours with 4,000+ components in Figma with matching React + Tailwind components. Supercharge your product team.
Design quickly, neatly, and consistently
ion comes with everything you need to design beautiful products. Stop wasting time recreating the same components for every project.
Advanced components built with purpose
Designed with love, using modular variants, autolayout 5.0, accessibility, and Figma variables.
Every component and primitive you need
Jumpstart any project with ion, you'll be most of the way there.
Meticulously designed properties and variants
We set everything up nicely so you don't have to.
Charting, tables, and more with native integrations.
Built in code with Tremor and Tanstack tables for appropriate modularity.
Your design language, your system
Endlessly retheme the system for your needs and projects. Built with modern Figma variables and global styles.
Made for code generation
ion's components are made specifically to be used by our code generator plugin, contact us for more info.
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Supercharge your design team
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